How to apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment - Parents Session

Have you been advised to apply for an EHC Plan?

Wondering if or when you should request a EHC needs assessment?

The session will be hosted by one of our SSENDIAS officers where you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.

On this session we will cover:

·       What happens in an EHC needs assessment?

·       Options of how to apply.

·       Should I speak to nursery, school or college first?

·       What must a Local Authority consider when making the decision to carry out a needs assessment.

·       What are Sheffield’s local policies for a request?

·       Timelines for obtaining an EHC Plan

·       Options if the Local Authority do not agree to carry out an assessment or issue a plan.

To book your place on an upcoming zoom session please click here

We are also now running some face-to-face sessions. Click here to book.

Lucy Wilks