Frequently Asked Questions

Children and Young People

Are you aged 25 or under?

Are you disabled or do you have special educational needs? Special educational needs are when you need extra support to learn things.

If the answer is yes to both those questions then the law says that you can get information, advice and support about extra help you might need. In Sheffield the service which can give you that information, advice and support is called SSENDIAS.

Most people who are 16 years old or more and have finished Year 11 can make their own decisions about their school or support. If you would like a parent or carer to help then that is OK. It is up to you.

You can find out more information on our page for young people

Your local information, advice and support service has to work in a certain way to make sure they are meeting the minimum standards. This film tells you what...

Your local information, advice and support service must be able to provide information, advice and support to children and young people with special educatio...


Things we may be able to help you with

  • Discuss what extra support you may need

  • Make sure your voice, wishes and feelings are heard and taken on board

  • Support your EHC (education Health and Care Plan) assessment and help you to understand what is going on

  • Attend meetings with you if you wish

Help you to contact other services if neededOur service is impartial. This means we will not tell you what to do. We will not take sides. We will give you the information and support you need to make your own choices

If you would like help from SSENDIAS you can ring us on

0114 2736009 or fill in the form below.


How to refer:

We take referrals directly from parents, carers and young people

Telephone: 0114 2736009


Message us on Facebook

Complete the contact us form below

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